Tuesday, 15 May 2012

My Self - Lost And Found

A layout about being a mother. ♥

Journaling tag reads:

"When I embarked on this journey
no one told me that I would lose my Self. 
Nor did they tell me I would find a brand new Self."

Friday, 11 May 2012

Live Free

Me! On my First Birthday. ♥

One Windy Day

My Ratbags!

Trying to get a decent photo just wasn't happening on this day. It was windy and the kids were full of beans and mischievious. We did have fun though. :)

Altered Canvas

Stop To Smell The Roses - An Altered Canvas (8"x10")

I decided that flat paper flowers looked boring. So I took some flat paper flowers, scrunched them up, folded them, inked them, misted them, layered them, glued them together, added them to fabric flowers and ended up with some delightfully lovely flowers.

I can't tell you exactly which flowers they look like because I don't know enough about real flowers to do that. What I can tell you is that I was pleased with the results and decided to use some of them. :)

Inspired by Once Upon A Sketch: